Simone Lundquist, Ph.D., Founder, President & Executive Director

Our Team Members at the Consultation Center & the Academy
Consultation Center for Healing and Transformation & Academy
Consultation Center; A Contemporary Approach to Healing and Transformation

At the Consultation Center, we provide our community members with low-cost consultation services for only $10 an hour. We offer Life Improvement Consultation Services to individuals, couples, and families. These services involve engaging our clients in Healing Conversations to help them improve the quality of their life and relationships, overcome or get around the problems and obstacles that are holding them back, achieve their goals in different areas and live meaningful lives consistent with their values and intentions.
We do not agree with the pathologizing content of the Diagnostic and Statistical Mental Disorders (DSM) and consider the labeling of people as unethical. We do not diagnose, neither do we prescribe any medication to our clients.
We stand for social justice, equal rights, and respect for all members of the community and promote values that aim at decreasing or eliminating inequity; promoting inclusiveness of diversity; and establishing environments that are supportive of all people.
Academy of Contemporary Narrative Therapy

At the Academy, we provide the students with a thorough, comprehensive and hands-on training on effective ways to engage the consultees in Transformational Conversations and help them explore, remember, and shape new realities about their powerfulness that the problems had rendered invisible to their eyes. These newly acknowledged realities will offer new meanings to their lived experiences and inspire new opportunities for their future.
These programs are designed to provide the students with solid, core consultation skills so that they can achieve superlative results in assisting clients live happier, more meaningful lives. These trainings are grounded in social constructionist worldview, and post-structural and post-modern theories such as Narrative and Feminism that are not likely to be taught in conventional academic settings.
The students will be provided with an understanding of
• Philosophy • Anthropology • History • Linguistics • Ethics • Critical Thinking • Effective Communication Skills • Disability Awareness & Activism • LGBTQ Awareness & Activism • Literature • Narrative Theory & Practice
• Feminism & Women’s Studies
Stories That Motivate Us

What Clients are Saying
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1550 The Alameda, Suite 150
San Jose, CA 95126
Call Us:
Toll Free: 1-888-291-7303
1550 The Alameda,
Suite 150 San Jose,
CA 95126