Homeless Outreach Program

Homeless outreach program

Through our Homeless Outreach Program, we organize Eagle Runs with our volunteers on a weekly basis serving the neighborhood homeless communities. We distribute packed lunch bags, water, clothes, socks and other essential supplies with the intention to help strengthen the hope and resilience of our community members. Oftentimes, we hear that the homeless feel ignored and don’t find anyone to speak with. Thus, our goal is to offer them our warm alliance so they can tell their stories and be heard. 

“Believe it or not, my buddies and I look forward to seeing you guys every week. You guys are the only ones who sit down with us and treat us like real people… it’s not only the food you bring to us that helps us, it’s more so the kindness, good talks and laughter we don’t receive anywhere else!” said Zack, a homeless neighbor, with a big smile on his face.

“What you guys are doing out here makes a huge difference! Thank you so much for thinking about us. A lot of the time, it feels like we’re invisible to others…” said John, a homeless neighbor, after receiving his packed lunch and new pair of socks.

Helping Homeless

If you would like to volunteer for our Homeless Outreach Program and make a difference in the lives of those in need, please click here

Food for homeless

What Clients are Saying

Amazing Speaker!

“One of the best!!! Experienced, knowledgeable, understanding, intelligent, and needs to continue to educate! She was also Very open and Helpful when answering the questions that the audience had! Thank you!“

Jon V.

A Master At Getting To The Root Cause

"Dr. Simone is a master at getting to the root cause and giving simple workable solutions to improving your situation :)"

Brian Coyle

Stories That Motivate Us

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1550 The Alameda, Suite 150
San Jose, CA 95126

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Toll Free: 1-888-291-7303





