Talks and Workshops

How to ‘Make Trouble’ for Anxiety and Depression
Dr. Simone Lundquist (Ph.D.) has provided numerous trainings, panel presentations and lead several workshops on effective ways to intervene and help people struggling with different problems such as depression, anxiety, anger, loss, grief, and conflict in relationships at different organizations such as National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), California Association of Social Rehabilitation (CASRA), Momentum for Mental Health, California School of Clinical Psychology (CSPP), San Jose State University (SJSU), Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI), and several other Mental Health agencies in the Bay Area. She has also delivered several talks on the harmful effects of psychotropic medication on body, mind and emotions in children and adults. Dr. Lundquist has led successful “Voice Hearing” groups for those suffering from psychosis and had educated many others in trainings and panels on successful individual and group interventions for individuals who hear voices and those who harm themselves.

Topics of the Most Popular Talks
Social Justice and Equal Rights
- What Women Want and How to Achieve them.
- How Help and Support Survivors of Rape and Abuse
- Cherish the Commonalities and Respect the Differences between you and others.
- Single Mothers: Obstacles and Achievements
- Ageism and its Harmful Effects on Older Women
- How to Feel Passionate and Enthusiastic about Life.
- How to Claim your voice and live consistently with your values and intentions for life
- How to Manifest your Visions.
- How to recognize your options and possibilities to make life a creative response to your surroundings.
- How to Eradicate or Diminish the Negative Impact(s) of the problems and traumatic events in your present and future life.
- Get yourself Unglued from Fear of being rejected, ridiculed, laughed at, not liked, judged negatively by others.
- You are the Only Person you can change!
- How to Communicate Effectively.
- How to achieve your Goals and Dreams in record time.
- Find out what is Holding you Back and how to Break Through those Obstacles.
- How to choose Friends and Romantic Partners so you can live Happier lives.
- Get yourself Unstuck from Unhappy Relationships or Relationships that are going Nowhere!
- How to put the Spark back into your Romantic Relationship.
- How to make Divorce or Separation a Less Painful Experience.
- Are you going through a Breakup or Divorce? How to cope with your feelings and help your children through the stress, sadness and anxiety that might follow.
Some Of Our Popular Talks And Workshops
Effective Communication
Learn Effective communication skills that will enable you to listen to and be heard by others so you can enjoy a more harmonious joyful life both at work and in your personal relationships.
Attract desirable people and circumstances to your life
This program shares with the participants, the essential skills to attract into their life, more favorable people and circumstances consistent with their values and intentions for life… They will learn that in order to change their environment and people around them, they will need to bring about desirable changes in themselves.
Recover from effects of unpleasant Past events and Loss
In this program, you will get to understand the past unpleasant events and the loss(es) you have experienced, give new meanings to those events and live your life without the negative impacts of those events on your present and future.
Overcome Sadness, Worry, and Shyness
Alternative Solutions to what some professionals might label as Depression, Anxiety, Low Self-esteem, Insecurity and Shyness. In this program you will discover a more powerful you and learn how to make you happier, and more successful.
Achieve Your Goals in Record Time
In this program, you set the goals you want to achieve in your life (long-term or short-term) and together, we will come up with a new revitalizing approach to help you achieve those goals in record time.
Re-ignite The Fire In Your Relationship
This program helps couples and individuals to wipe the dust of familiarity off their romantic relationship and bring back the fun passionate romance to their lives. They will learn how to discover new values and capabilities in their partner and get in the habit of re-creating their relationship on a daily basis, so they can stay together longer and stronger.
Find out if Divorce is the right option for you.
In this program, you will learn to see your spouse for who they are and want to be, what they value and what their intentions for life are and then, together, without pointing fingers or criticism decide whether you want to continue the journey of your life together… No judgements, but finding out what will work better for both of you.
Personal and Relationship Improvement
In this program, you will be able to feel passionate and enthusiastic about life, achieve your goals, resolve problems in your relationships with family members, children, parent or friends and colleagues. You will also learn how to attract into your life more favorable people & circumstances.
Life Makeover: Redefine yourself according to your values and intentions for life
This program will help you invent a New, Happier, Stronger, more Confident and more Successful you… Give yourself a chance to create a beautiful enjoyable life for you.
How to Establish and maintain good relationships
In this program, you will find out about the effective communication skills that enable you to observe, ask the questions and share information which will make it possible for you to choose those with whom you can establish and maintain long-lasting relationships.
Successful Parenting
This program is designed to enable you to connect more strongly and deeply with your children so you can be their lifetime ally helping them make their dreams a reality and live more successful, happier lives.
Recognize the signs of abuse and stand up for yourself
In this program, you will put together the red flags which will help you decide whether to continue to hope on or cut your losses and move on. It will also make it possible for you to stand up to the abuse in ways to both ensure your safety and lead you to a life more consistent with your values.
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1550 The Alameda, Suite 150
San Jose, CA 95126
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1550 The Alameda,
Suite 150 San Jose,
CA 95126