Before communicating with your romantic partner, make sure that you have considered the impact of your communication on the person you “love.”

Some people are totally oblivious to the impact of their attitude, words and actions on others. Big mistake!  Before communicating with your romantic partner, make sure that you have considered the impact of your communication on the person you “love.” Is your communication going to hurt them?  Is it going to undermine their self-worth? Does it make them wrong?  Is it TELLING them your way is the right way?  Is it invalidating their experiences and impressions of life events?  Does it make them feel they can’t do anything right?  If your answer is “yes” to any of these questions, then the relationship will suffer and in the long run, your partner will not feel close to you anymore.  So before communicating make sure you understand the purpose of that communication and then proceed with the kindest way to express what you mean without scarring them. Do this not only because you will always pay for the scars you leave on others (not to be punished but to learn what it feels like to be THEM), but simply because it is UNKIND to do so.

– Dr. Simone