Our Blog
“People know what they do; frequently they know why they do what they do; but what they don’t know is what what they do does.”
– Michel Foucault
Secrets: What to Share and What Not to Share
Destructive Secrets Let me be very clear here. Sooner or later, secrets will definitely destroy your romantic relationship and will also hurt both your and your partner’s feelings in deep and sometimes unamendable ways. To determine if a secret is destructive or not,...
Are You Standing In The Way Of Your Own Happiness?
There will inevitably be obstacles in our paths to happiness. Along the way from where we are to where we want to be, we will encounter impediments to our ability to move ahead in life; there will be problems to solve and obstacles to overcome. Surely there will be...
Abusive Relationships Hurt Everyone Involved and More…
Everybody talks about how they want to have a good romantic relationship in their life. But what do we mean when we talk about a “good relationship?” From what I’ve learned personally in life and the experiences that my clients have generously shared with me, I can...
It’s Cruel to Try to Shape Others…
…in our lives into our dreams of what they can or should be… When goals are fluid, they are constantly changing which allows for growth and acceptance of otherness. When goals are fixed, like dead skin they become crystallized as the “TRUE Destination” and the “RIGHT...
If Only We Could Refrain From Reacting…
…when something goes wrong and our partner says or does something the wrong way. I’m sure you can remember at least a few of those instances where you felt irritated and said something that jabbed your partner and hurt their feelings… Imagine that you are driving to...
Deciding together: Can we be strong and independent, and yet make mutually satisfying decisions as partners?
What I have witnessed in a lot of unhappy relationships is that two people come together to live a happy life but they don’t know how to establish and maintain a collaborative relationship! So, now that they are together, they bring in to the relationship, their...
Do You Have An Authentic Relationship With Yourself?
You know when we do things or say things that kind of hurt others who are important to us and then we try to justify them instead of saying it outright what initiated those actions or words? What’s happening there? Well, I think we get caught up in what we have...
7 Ways to Make Your Relationship Feel Like it Did When it Started
Everyone can recall that overwhelmingly ideal feeling of being with their partner over the first year of their relationship. Your heart would race every time they would call, you couldn’t wait to see them after work, and you both had the energy to go out and do things...
Change your Reality, Change your life …
Albert Einstein once said: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” I can’t agree more with this amazing man as to me, we human beings give meaning to our lives by the stories we tell about them. The stories we tell...
Do they see your True Value?
A common complaint I hear from my clients is that their romantic partner doesn’t treat them the way they’d like to be treated. See, the problem is often not in the behaviors, but in the way, they rate and prioritize you in their mind depending on the value they assign...
7 Red Flags in Your Relationship
If you’re asking yourself whether this new relationship is going where you want it to go, reading through these 7 red flags could help you decide whether to continue to hope on or cut your losses and move on … The truth is that the signs are often there, but we are...
Obstacles People Face When Seeking Counseling [video]
Many people face obstacles when seeking counseling. I decided to record a video addressing these obstacles.
1550 The Alameda,
Suite 150 San Jose,
CA 95126